Movie review of Marry Shelley's Frankenstein.

Movie review of Marry Shelley's Frankenstein.

Hello learners. I am a this I will present a movie review of Marry Shelley's Frankenstein.this blog  task is assigned by Medha ma'am.
Marry Shelly's Frankenstein 1994 movie

      "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" (1994) directed by Kenneth Branagh is a visually striking adaptation of the classic Gothic novel. Branagh himself stars as Victor Frankenstein, bringing a passionate intensity to the role. The film captures the essence of Shelley's original work, exploring themes of ambition, scientific hubris, and the consequences of playing god.

The production values are impressive, with stunning set designs and period-accurate costumes that immerse the audience in 19th-century Europe. Branagh's direction is filled with dramatic flair and gothic sensibility, making the film a visual treat.

Role of creature:

The performance, however, comes from Robert De Niro as the Creature. His portrayal adds a layer of humanity and tragedy to the character, making the audience sympathize with the monster's plight. The emotional depth of De Niro's performance is a highlight of the film.
Movie vs. Novel:
While the movie remains faithful to the source material, it does take some liberties with the plot, which may not sit well with purists. Additionally, the pacing can be uneven at times, with the middle of the film feeling somewhat sluggish.

       "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" is a respectable adaptation that successfully captures the essence of the novel. It's a visually impressive and emotionally charged film that explores the dark side of scientific experimentation. Despite a few shortcomings, it remains a compelling addition to the Frankenstein cinematic legacy.

Difference between movie and original Novel:

  1. The 1994 movie adaption of Marry Shelly's Frankenstein, we can see an interesting part that caught our attention and it was when victor uses professor waldman's brain and some other criminal pieces to create the monster, while in the novel Shelley left it unknown.

         Movie adaptations must add some different thing from original novel or story. which can make movie more interesting .

2. In original text of Frankenstein beginning in which victor traveling across the Arctic alone, reflect on his tragic storyline. As in the book the movie has victor turn to experimental science after his mother dies .he vows he will find a way" conquer death" 

3.After coming from university victor become I'll and Henry tack Care of him and than Victor goes in vacations.and there he meet movie this things are not included.

4. The end of the novel is totally different form the original text. in novel victor has destroyed the half made female movie victor has completed the making of Elizalabeth alive.

Star cast:

1.Kenneth Branagh as Victor Frankenstein
2.Robert De Niro as the Creature
3.Helena Bonham Carter as Elizabeth
4.Tom Hulce as Henry Clerval
5.Aidan Quinn as Captain WaltonIan
6. Holm as Professor Waldman
7.John Cleese as Professor Krempe
8.Richard Briers as Grandfather
9.Celia Imrie as Mrs. Moritz 

Thank you for visit..!
Be learner.

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